WTS Wehrli Traction Shoe − Feedback
Sofia Sjoborg, 4* Event Rider for Sweden
“For years we struggled to keep our older horse sound. His suspensory was often flaring when he went up a level in eventing. About three years ago we tried WTS shoes to bring the breaking point further back and provide the best possible foot balance and thereby help the suspensory.
And ………..we have never looked back!
From previously having some difficulties at 3* level, now at 16 years old – he’s flying around 4*L level, looking and feeling better in his legs than ever before! Not only this but I can feel and see that he is so much more free in front - making his trot significantly bigger. It is truly amazing what these shoes have done for him.”

Philipp Schärer, Switzerland, racehorse trainer
"For me as a racehorse trainer, I find the WTS Revolution shoe to be the perfect blend allowing the natural hoof mechanism and giving good grip.
The WTS Revolution impresses with its nail-free and heel-protective concepts.
What I find absolutely brilliant, is the fact that i can change the shoe myself from WTS Revolution Training to WTS Revolution Competition, adapting easily to circumstances and surface (sand, grass or even snow)."

Werner Muff, Schweiz, Switzerland, International showjumping rider
"Some of my horses are shod by Stefan Wehrli with his own WTS shoes. I can really feel the difference. With their sport shoes, my horses move better, lighter and more confidently. For me this is due to the foot landing and rolling correctly, enabling the horse to move more supply and freely. I really enjoy watching and feeling the horses work like this."

Ben Maher, Grossbritannien, International showjumping rider
"Diva has been using Stefan Wehrli’s WTS traction shoe with soft heel, for the past 2 seasons and it truly has made a huge difference to her performance. The effect was noticeable from her first fitting and she has become more rideable in the ring due to being more comfortable and balanced in her gait."

Edwina Tops-Alexander, Australia, International showjumping rider
"The horse feels now comfortable in the turns and is landing soft with confidence. Also after big shows the horse stays sound.
In the follow video on Youtube you can see a ride from Edwina Tops-Alexander on this LINK."

Hans-Dieter Dreher, Germany, International Showjumping rider
"Since my horses are shod by Stefan Wehrli with the WTS shoes that he developped (some are also shod with the special Soft Heel shoes – Cool and Easy is one of them), their movement has become much more elastic and they jump with much more ease.
I think it is comparable to an athlete performing with shoes specially developped for his sport, or with normal working shoes.
The difference is obvious."

Ludger Beerbaum, Germany, International showjumping rider
"I first tested the WTS shoe over a couple of months on a few chosen horses. Now, almost all my competition horses are shod with WTS.
I’ve noticed that the horses move more smoothly, the breakover of the foot is easier, on a straight line as well as on curves. It also gives significantly more grip to the horse.
The grip and breakover give an advantage to the horse for jumping as well: On take off, the horses have more hold on the ground even without studs; and on landing, the easier breakover gives less strain on the joints and the movement is more fluent."

Thomas Batliner, Liechtenstein, International showjumping rider
"My 3 horses have been shod by Stefan Wehrli for the last 10 years. But since he started shoeing them (front and back) with the WTS shoe, I can feel a big difference as a rider: the shoulder moves much better, on straight lines as well as on curves, and I feel a much better grip of the hind legs on the turns and on take off."

Franziska Osterwalder, Switzerland, regional showjumping rider
"From the first time my horse was shod with the WTS shoe, there was a big improvement in his movement. My horse’s stride is more assured and more powerful through the turns. He has developped more power behind, on the flat as well as over jumps. Because of a conformation fault, he had trouble engaging his hind end in everyday work. Although previous corrective shoeing had made a big improvement, the WTS shoe brought a new positive change.
Also, after a few shoeings, I noticed that the heels are growing much better, and that the frog has become stronger and sounder. "
WTS products are broadly successful and help improve horses’ performance and well-being in sport, leisure and as therapeutic shoeing.

Rolex Grand Prix Aachen 2016
L.B. Convall and Philipp Weishaupt

Grand Prix Rotterdam 2018
Voice and Edward Gal

Riding scool horse - Nike

LGCT Super Grand Prix 2018
California and Edwina Tops-Alexander

Poule d'Essai 2018 , Avenches
Sanora and Nicolas Guilbert

Laminitis pony - Astral