WEPA Module 2
Module in small groups of 8 to 12 people
Recognised continuous professional education for vets:
4 GST points per module / 2 days
Approved as continuing education for the "qualified farrier" label from AM Suisse
2 days, each from 7.30 to 18.00
Date of Module 2 will be announced on Module 1.
Kirchstrasse 2, 9216 Heldswil, Switzerland
​Route de la chapelle 150, 1541 Sévaz, Switzerland
1st day
− Gait analysis
− Conformation assessment
− Hoof x-rays
− Hoof examination
− Shoeing plan
− Shoeing with standard shoes
− Control x-rays
− In-hand assessment of the horse
Two farriers shoe a horse (front and back) together, with standard shoes.
Vets alternate between gait analysis and x-rays. They measure angles and distances on the x-rays and establish a shoeing plan together with a farrier. During the shoeing, they discuss x-rays in depth with the vet instructor and learn which details are important to farriers and how to measure, extract and provide these information in order to best help farriers. Control x-rays are done as soon as the horse is shod in front. These x-rays are assessed with the same criteria and “before” and “after” x-rays are compared.
2nd day
− Gait analysis with DMA
(Dynamic Motion Analyse) video system
− Conformation assessment
− Hoof examination
− Shoeing plan
− Shoeing with WTS shoes
− Control x-rays
− In-hand assessment of the horse
Two farriers shoe a horse (front and back) together, with WTS shoes.
Vets alternate between gait analysis with Dynamic Motion Analysis (Video System) and measurements on the hooves. They analyse the videos and establish a shoeing plan together with a farrier. During the shoeing, they learn which details are important for the WTS concept and how to provide this information to the farriers. Control x-rays are done as soon as the horse is shod in front, to verify that the shoeing plan corresponds to the result. A new gait analysis is performed with DMA, and the before and after videos are compared
After modules 1 + 2 You become a certified:
WTS farrier / WTS vet
Please bring with you:
Farriers: shoeing rig
Veterinarians: x-ray apron
Course location: Heldswil, Switzerland
Hotel Taverne zur Linde, Bischofszell, Klein Rigi, Schönenberg a. d. Thur, Landgasthof Löwen, Sulgen
Course location: Sévaz, Switzerland